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Wicked Revelations and Brimstone (Legacy of Sins Book 2) Page 3
Wicked Revelations and Brimstone (Legacy of Sins Book 2) Read online
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I fidgeted with the hem of my shirt. The Nephilim was way too in tune with me. I was a virtual opened book.
“Something strange did happen when she touched me.” I rubbed my wrist where her cloudy fingers had gripped. Her touch hadn’t frightened me. The images I saw did.
Jayson stepped forward and took my wrist, searching for an injury. “Care to elaborate?”
I choked back a shiver. Astaroth had posed the same question. “When she grabbed me, I saw this vision.” I described the monstrous little girl and what she’d done. “It was a memory from the dweller.” I couldn’t explain how I knew that. It was just a feeling, a strong one.
The dweller must have possessed the child at some point.
Acid seeped up my throat. Who would do that to an innocent kid?
“Have you ever heard of anything like that before?” I asked, Jayson’s calloused fingers still sliding over my wrist. “Is it because I’m an avis?”
His brows dipped. “I don’t think so. Avises can see beyond the veil, but what you’re describing is a psychic ability.”
One I didn’t have before I moved to freaky Mystic Hollow. “Is it because of the bond?”
Jayson released my hand and picked up my other one, examining it. “I don’t know.”
I tried to keep my breathing steady as he scrutinized the same hand Astaroth wouldn’t release earlier. Did he know a Fallen had touched me—sullied me?
His gaze lifted, piercing mine. “You seem nervous.”
A forced laugh slipped out. “Nervous? I’m not nervous about anything.” This jackass couldn’t keep his nose out of my bundle of emotions for five minutes. “Except my dad finding you in here.”
“We’re not doing anything bad though.” His words came out in a rough, husky whisper.
Jayson couldn’t read my mind, but he knew exactly where it had gone. In the gutter. Images of a shirtless him bubbled to the surface.
His stare lowered. “Looks like you missed a spot.”
Chocolate frosting was smeared on my shoulder. Great. It probably had gotten in my hair after all.
Before I could wipe it off, Jayson stepped way inside of my personal bubble. His mouth descended, and his tongue licked the frosting right off my skin. A sharp stream of heat hit me in the gut, stealing my breath.
What. The. Frack?
He pulled back mere inches from my face, licking his lips. “You’re too damn sweet, Angel Eyes.”
Fantasies of Jayson, me, and whipped cream sped through my mind. Flames melted over my cheeks. Fire consumed everything as those chameleon eyes entrapped me. My pulse quivered erratically. Words utterly failed me.
My hands didn’t though. Nope. They curled in Jayson’s black t-shirt, pulling him to me.
His lips brushed against mine as his arms encircled my waist. My body fused to his, unwilling to have even one millimeter of space between us. Sparks sizzled down my spine, sinking into my bloodstream.
Jayson was salty sweet and so damn addicting.
Before long, I’d start craving him over sugar. Maybe I already did.
I lifted on my tip toes as the kiss deepened. Jayson’s tongue played chase with mine, slowly tasting and caressing. His hands slipped beneath my shirt, gliding over my bare back and leaving hot spots behind. My knees quaked. I would have hit the floor if he wasn’t holding me up.
Jayson Casteel might have been half angel, but his kisses were full sin.
“If we did this instead of arguing, we’d get along better,” I murmured, my tongue sliding over his bottom lip.
A dark chuckle rumbled through his chest. “This is all we’d end up doing, Angel Eyes.” His mouth skimmed over my jaw and down my neck. “And a little of this.”
Sweet angels in Heaven.
“That’s a bad thing?” Shitzu. Did those words come out of my mouth or had I begged him to keep going?
“It’s going to get us in trouble.” Jayson nibbled my ear, and I shivered.
“I don’t mind getting in trouble.” My hands slowly glided down and glided under his shirt, roaming his torso. Holy muscles. This guy was ripped. “In fact, I like it. Very much.”
A ragged growl fell out of him. His lids lifted, revealing a pair of smoldering gold irises.
A sharp, burning thrill fluttered through my belly. Oh, buddy. My Nephilim Neanderthal was losing it.
Jayson kissed me again, his mouth doing things to me that I was embarrassed to admit. “Trouble should be your middle name.” His fingers dug into my hips, skirting the hem of my jeans. “Maybe we should get into some trouble.”
My legs shifted restlessly. I wanted to climb him like a tree. “Absolutely.”
His breath was hot and fast, dancing over my flushed cheeks. Those molten eyes flicked behind me. To my bed. “I could spend the night—if you want.”
I wanted very much. The little innocence I had left was going to go straight to Hell in a handbasket.
Jayson’s phone vibrated in his pocket, tickling my leg. He cursed and pulled it out, checking the screen. His brows dipped low on his forehead.
My fingers flexed on his stomach, and his muscles jumped. “What is it?”
His other hand remained under my shirt, still burning me. “Nothing, just…”
My pulse spiked. He was worried. I could actually feel it. Had his thick, impenetrable wall crumbled for a second?
“I can’t stay, Lena.” He shoved his phone back in his pocket.
“What happened?” Did Brenna have a vision of doom and despair?
He shook his head. “I need to do something.”
I snatched my hands back and crossed my arms against my chest. I really hated his vague, non-answer answers. It was as annoying as the blank expression he still threw up occasionally. “Why do you insist on keeping me in the dark?”
His lips thinned, and his hand fell from my hip. “Why do you insist on knowing every little thing?”
“Because I’m involved in this, and I should know what’s going on,” I snapped. “I’m not just bound to you, Jayson. I’m an avis, and the thing Astaroth needs for his whole diabolical plot to work.”
His nostrils flared at the mention of the Fallen. “Astaroth won’t lay one finger on you again.”
I swallowed hard at the fiery anger suddenly swirling around him. Thankfully, I didn’t bring up the visit from the fallen angel. Just mentioning him had Jayson teetering on the edge.
He roughly shoved a lock of hair from his face. “I have to go.” The air shifted, and Jayson disappeared. The blinds on my window gently swayed.
I backed up and plopped on the end of my bed. Being bound to the hard-headed Nephilim was not easy. He still kept me at arm’s length sometimes, and he fought me on almost everything.
And to make matters worse, my body craved his. Constantly. The ache never went away. Kissing him only made it worse. My lips tingled, and everywhere he touched burned. If he came back, I wouldn’t be able to turn him away.
That was a serious problem. He couldn’t think I was here for him whenever he had the time or a hankering for some Lena goodness.
I needed to get myself together.
I needed some sugar. Lots of sugar. And a cold shower.
Chapter 3
My eyes narrowed on Melinda Mickens as she sashayed through the gray and maroon hall, flicking her ponytail and smiling brightly as if she hadn’t decked me in the face and abducted me a few days ago. Her obnoxious laugh bounced along the cinderblock walls and lockers, piercing my eardrums.
Her loss of memory didn’t make the horrific event null and void. Not for me.
Seth and Emily had tracked the cheerleader down and exorcised the dweller demon from her. She was no longer possessed.
But she was still a byotch.
Melinda’s silver gaze landed on me, a sneer pulling at her lips. Shannon followed her line of vision, and a matching expression of scorn melted over her face.
Seriously? Was Melinda’s hatred contagious? I’d n
ever even spoken to Shannon Russel.
“I had fun last night,” Jessica said, trading out one of her notebooks from her dented locker.
“Me too.” Sans the dweller and visit from Astaroth. I could have done without those.
A dreamy smile split her lips. “Sebastian was so excited over the evidence we gathered. I stayed at his house for a while, helping him go over it. What did you do when you got home?”
My lips burned as the kisses from Jayson replayed in my head for the umpteenth time. “Not much.” I cleared my throat. “Just had some chocolate cake.” And a little bit of angel food cake too.
The custodian, Mr. Freeman, came around the corner, waving his weathered hand at Jessica. His cottony white hair shook as he moved. “Thanks for that veggie recipe, Ms. Appleby. The wife loved it.”
She smiled. “Oh, good. Let me know if you’d like any more. I have plenty.”
“Sure thing.” He walked by and gave me a friendly nod.
That was not the same Creepy McCreeperton I met on my first day. Mr. Freeman had obviously been possessed. The demon had moved on. I hoped. Maybe I should ask Jayson if he could check.
A hot tingle seared my nape. Speaking of the shmexy Nephilim…
My attention shifted down the hall, landing on the towering guy—who was being mauled by some redheaded glamazon.
Fire sped through my veins as a tall, shapely Jessica Rabbit in a rocker outfit draped herself over my Nephilim soul mate.
What the fracken hell?
“Oh, Hannah’s back.” Jessica closed her locker and leaned against it.
The name Hannah sent waves of jealousy through my insides. Kale had mentioned her twice while talking to Jayson. I choked back the urge to throw a book at them. “Who exactly is she?”
“She’s one of their friends.” Jessica twirled her long brown ponytail around her fingers while she gnawed on her bottom lip. She could definitely sense the tension coming off me. “I heard Hannah was accepted to some program to study abroad in Europe. I guess she’s finished.”
The girl’s gaze flickered toward me, a gold sheen shimmering in the sharp emerald irises.
Hannah was a Nephilim.
Someone had just sucker punched me right in the gut. Was this why Jayson left my house last night? Was she the one who texted him?
Jayson’s head swiveled around, his eyes landing on me. He started to smile until the redhead squeezed his arm.
Yeah, d-bag. You have another girl all over you!
He said something to her as he pried her claws off. She pouted as Jayson marched my way.
Not happening.
“I’ve got to go,” I said, pivoting and marching down the hall. “I’ll see you later, Jess.” I was not in the mood to deal with his lying, betraying ass. I darted into Spanish class and slumped in my seat.
Why did I care he was flirting with some other girl? We weren’t together. We had a Neph-human soul bond. It didn’t make him my boyfriend. He could date whoever he wanted.
Ugh. The thought had my stomach heaving. My breakfast of chocolate cake could reappear any moment.
“Are you okay, Lena?” Austin Warren stood in front of my desk, his usual boyish smile tipped down in a frown. “Do you need to go to the nurse?”
Perfect. I didn’t just feel sick. I looked it. “I’m fine. I ate too much candy.”
“It happens.” He took the seat next to mine, angling his body toward me. “Did you have a good time ghost hunting with Seb and Jess?”
“We caught some evidence—I think.” I still wasn’t sold on the orbs.
He grinned and flicked his unruly brown hair out of his face. “You’re much braver than me.”
“It’s not that scary,” I said, shrugging off my thick corduroy jacket. “You’d have fun. I can protect you from the big bad spirits.”
“Well, in that case—” His words cut off the same time that familiar hot tingle rippled down my nape.
Oh, hell.
Jayson walked in and handed Señorita Mendez a note. She smiled and motioned toward the desks. His eyes landed on Austin, narrowing.
“I’ll talk to you later, Lena,” the quarterback said, facing the front. “Your boy is trying to murder me with that glare.”
I scoffed even as a flush blossomed in my cheeks. “He’s not my boy.” He was more like the constant thorn in my side. Jayson wasn’t in this class. Why the hell was he headed in my direction? And why did he take the seat behind me?
I whipped around, my lips thinning. “What are you doing?”
“I transferred into this class.” He leaned forward, pinning me with a knowing look. “Why’d you run away from me in the hall?”
“I didn’t feel like talking to you. And I still don’t.” I spun around and flipped open my book, pretending to study.
A finger suddenly traced down my nape, spilling heat across my skin. “Come on, Angel Eyes. Don’t be jealous. Hannah’s just a friend.”
My nostrils flared, and I flicked his hand away. “Who said I was jealous?”
He leaned forward, invading my personal bubble. “I know you’re jealous.”
Stupid bond.
I shifted around. “That’s not fair. You have no right to go digging around in my emotions, especially when you keep me locked out of yours.”
Jayson’s smile faltered. “I can’t stop sensing what you’re feeling. Even if I could, I wouldn’t. I need to keep in contact in case something happens to you.” For an instant, cold fear emanated from him. He was thinking of the night Moloch almost killed me.
Did he know he let his wall slip twice now?
“You could have told me about Hannah last night—after she texted you.”
He glanced away.
I knew it!
“I didn’t know she was going to be back so soon,” he said, dragging his fingers through his hair. “I wanted to catch her up to speed on everything.”
I swallowed thickly. “Were you guys a thing?” Ugh. You didn’t need a bond to notice my jealousy.
His brows dipped. “What? No. We’re just friends. We’ve never been anything more.”
I highly doubted that. The redhead had looked like she was seconds away from devouring him in the hall.
“We’ve been friends since I can remember,” he said, not helping in the least. “Hannah’s been in Ireland training some younger Nephilim.”
Señorita Mendez closed the door and began writing notes on the board, her mahogany curls brushing her slender shoulders.
“Whatever,” I mumbled and turned to the front.
Something poked my back. “Want to kiss and make up?”
“What?” I glanced over my shoulder, finding a Hershey Kiss clutched between Jayson’s thumb and forefinger.
“A kiss?” A smile pulled at his lips, showing a flash of dimples. I was pretty sure someone gasped.
Jayson smiling was a sight to behold.
I couldn’t fight the grin and took the piece of chocolate. “Thanks.”
“Eat lunch with me today,” he whispered as I removed the foil wrapper. His hazel eyes smoldered, making my pulse quicken. “You can have my dessert.”
“Fine. Only because you’re paying me in sugar.” I popped the chocolate in my mouth.
He licked his lips. “I can pay you with a different kind of sugar if you’d like.”
Holy guacamole.
A knock resonated on the door, and it opened, a redhead popping in. “Hello, Señorita Mendez,” came a smoky voice.
Hannah was in this class? Had he decided to transfer because of her or me?
“Hola, Hannah,” Senorita Mendez said, a broad smile forming over her scarlet lips. “It’s good to have you back.”
“It’s good to be back.” Her emerald gaze settled on Jayson.
Señorita Mendez motioned toward the rows of desks, her red dress swirling around her knees. “Go find a seat, por favor.”
Hannah sauntered down our aisle, her long tresses fluttering behind her. Tight skinny jea
ns and a studded leather jacket made her look like she just stepped off a tour bus. She took the empty seat behind Jayson.
“Hi, J.J.” Her hand ran along his shoulder. “I didn’t know we were going to have this class together.”
“Um, yeah.” He jerked his chin toward me. “This is Lena.”
Hannah slowly scrutinized me. “Hi, Lena. I’ve heard lots about you.” She gave a chuckle.
My lip pulled in a sneer. “Is something funny?”
She covered her mouth. “I’m sorry. J.J. told me how cute you were.” She glanced at him. “She’s adorable.”
Cute? Adorable? She made me sound like I was a freaking lap dog.
The chick insulted me—on purpose.
“Hannah,” Jayson ground out.
“What?” False innocence surrounded her voice. “I was only being honest. She’s cute like a little mouse I can put in my pocket.”
It was official. If I didn’t already hate Hannah, I did now.
Senorita Mendez gave a big grin. “Okay, niños y niñas, we’re going to do something fun. In a few weeks, we’re going to have a fiesta!”
Clapping echoed around the room.
“I want you all to pair up and choose a recipe to make.” She tapped the stack of books on the end of her desk with her long, manicured nails. “During the party everyone will explain their dish, speaking only in Spanish.”
“Work with me, J.J.,” Hannah loudly whispered. “We can catch up some more. Last night wasn’t nearly enough time.”
Before I could chicken out, I turned to Austin. “You want to work together?”
His gaze flickered to the intimidating guy behind me. “Um… sure.”
Heat simmered off the Nephilim, searing my back. “I’ll grab us a book.” I stood and darted to the front.
Jayson could work with Strawberry Longlegs for all I cared. Clearly, they were close friends. I didn’t want to get in the way of their reconnection.
My stomach rolled as I pictured them reconnecting.
I grabbed a random book, reading the title. Oh, great. The whole thing was in Spanish. Hopefully, Austin was better at translating than me. I trudged back to my seat, and my eyes lifted, narrowing.
Jayson loomed at Austin’s desk, his arms crossed and body rigid as he spoke. Hannah was glued to his side, her full lips pouting.