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Wicked Revelations and Brimstone (Legacy of Sins Book 2) Page 9

  My heart quivered to a stop. His eyes were smoldering gold, but something dark shimmered in them, and it chilled me to the bone.

  I scrambled up and inched toward him. “I’m fine.”

  He grabbed the dweller by the throat and slammed him against a tree. Jayson didn’t hear me. His rage drowned everything else out. I’d seen him angry before, but this was scary—even to me.

  “Jayson!” Hannah grabbed his thick bicep, but he shook her off. “You’re killing him.”

  “He’s a dweller. Why does it matter?” Jayson’s fingers squeezed.

  The dweller began to claw at his neck.

  “That’s a human you’re hurting too!” Hannah shouted, trying in vain to pry the other Nephilim away.

  I choked back the lump clogging my windpipe and laid my hand on Jayson’s arm. He was sweltering. “Stop it. Right now. You can’t kill him.”

  His gaze shifted in my direction, lingering on my face.

  I reached up with my other hand and wiped the blood from under my nose. Reminding him of what transpired wasn’t helping.

  With one more ragged breath, he dropped the dweller. “I wasn’t going to kill him. I just wanted to hurt him, make him think twice before possessing someone or coming after you again.”

  Morten trembled against the tree. “I didn’t even want to do it!”

  That was technically true. He’d been worried about Astaroth for no reason. Jayson was the real threat.

  Hannah forced her way between the two, a beaded rosary dangling in her grasp. “Time to return to the pits where you belong, hellspawn.”

  “No!” he yelled, scrambling to his feet. “I’m not going.”

  When he tried to run, Jayson grabbed his arms, pinning them behind his back. “I’ll make sure to get you a good spot among the worst offenders.”

  Hannah pressed the cross against Morten’s forehead. He immediately began thrashing wildly. If a lesser Nephilim were holding him, he would have gotten free.

  Rapid Latin sped from Hannah. Jayson joined in, his rumbling tenor quickly forming each word. The dweller swore and cursed as he kicked the redhead. Guttural roars curled out, shaking the ground.

  I backed away, nearly tripping over the fire. Holy shiitake. They were exorcising the demon. Didn’t they need holy water and a bible? Shouldn’t they start yelling the power of Christ or something?

  Morten gave one more snarl before his jaw was wrenched open by an invisible force, and dense, black smoke rushed out. The churning cloud was yanked down, disappearing into the ground with one final menacing howl.

  Down to the pits of Hell.

  The human host slumped in Jayson’s arms, unconscious. His broken wrist was already swelling and hung at an odd angle. The forest became eerily quiet.

  Jayson gently rested the guy against the trunk of a tree and stood, making his way toward me. Gold still popped in his irises, but the hint of darkness was gone. “Let me see.” He took my hand in his, examining the bloody cut on my palm. His touch was gentle, the opposite of how he’d treated Morten. “It’s shallow. I don’t think you need stitches,” he murmured.

  “Nope. Just gauze and medical tape.” Some Neosporin definitely. Who knew where that knife had been. It was probably used to cut that heart out.

  Jayson stepped closer and peered into my face, a line forming between his brows. “You had another vision.” He used his sleeve to wipe more blood from my nose.

  I swallowed the lump trying to ooze back up. “It wasn’t as bad as last time.” A dull ache throbbed behind my eyes, but the images weren’t flashing through my mind like a movie reel on repeat.

  “You shouldn’t have broken his wrist, J.J.,” Hannah said, interrupting the intense moment between us. She pocketed the rosary and bent, examining the guy’s arm.

  Jayson released my hand and cracked his neck. “It was an accident. I only meant for him to drop the knife.” His gaze drifted from me and lingered on the ground. “He yanked the other way. It popped.”

  I batted away the terrible thoughts trying to invade my mind. Jayson was born to kill demons. Things got heated sometimes. Accidents and injuries were bound to happen.

  Hannah’s boots barely made a sound on the dry, crunchy leaves as she walked to the decapitated demon. She pulled a small pouch out of her studded leather jacket, sprinkling the mixture inside over the beast.

  The scaly, headless creature went up in flames. Rancid smoke swirled up, choking me. Holy shitzu. It smelled like a dog ate a dead rat, pooped it out, ate it, and then died.

  Jayson’s arm went around my back, and he pulled me into his chest. “It’ll be gone in a second,” he murmured.

  The smoke dissipated, leaving only a pile of ash behind. The same could be said for the severed head.

  That sure was a handy trick.

  When I’d searched the backrooms of TVs & More, a foul, sooty ash lingered on the floor. Jayson must have done the same with Tyler’s body. The dweller had killed the human long ago and was wearing a corpse.

  Hannah picked up the totem, slinging the bag over her shoulder. “We need to destroy this.”

  Ugh. Gross. She was rocking a human-skin purse stuffed with a human heart.

  I jerked my chin toward the unconscious guy. “What are you going to do with him? He’s going to need a cast for that wrist.”

  Jayson already had his phone out, typing a text. “Seth will deal with him.” His gaze lifted, meeting mine. “I’ll walk you home and take care of your hand.”

  “But, J.J., what about the totem?” Hannah jostled the bag on her hip. “It takes two of us to do this.”

  He pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. “Go to my house and get everything ready. I’ll be there when I’m done.”

  “Fine.” She pivoted and slinked away, flicking her lustrous red locks.

  I glanced around for my bag of desserts, finding it crushed on a knot of tree roots. Frack.

  Jayson noticed my frown and saw the crumpled bag from The Sugary Spoon. “What were you doing in the woods? Please tell me you didn’t decide this was a good shortcut to your house.”

  My reason wasn’t much better. “I heard a puppy crying and thought it was injured.” I pouted, picturing that sweet black lab wiggling in the dweller’s hand. “They were going to kill him. I had to do something.”

  He blinked, his face expressionless. “You risked your life for a puppy?”

  I shrugged. “I didn’t know three of Hell’s residents were performing a dark blessing on a totem.”

  Jayson shook his head and retrieved the demolished desserts. “Next time you want to play hero, call me first.”

  “Sure thing.” I glanced at the squashed bag. “I don’t suppose you have any more of those homemade chocolate chip cookies?”

  “You finished those off two days ago, Angel Eyes.” He put his arm around my shoulders and began pulling me through the forest. The sun had set, and it was already so dark I could barely make out the trees in the distance. “Do you want to tell me what you saw this time?”

  “Not a chance.” I’d rather shove the dweller’s sins inside the steel cage in the back of my mind with the others.

  But how many more could fit before the lock shattered, and the nightmarish images flooded me all at once?

  Chapter 11

  Jessica stared at me with a broad, pleading grin from across the booth next to Sebastian. “Come on, Lena. It won’t be that bad.”

  “You’re joking.” I motioned toward my chest with a piece of pineapple and ham pizza. “You do know who I am, right? I can’t walk five feet without tripping most days, and you want me to go traipsing around the woods for a day?”

  “It’ll only be for a few short hours,” she said, picking a green pepper off her veggie pizza.

  “It could turn into several long hours of me hopping through the forest on a broken leg.” I could see it now, my fibula poking out of my bloody jeans. Unless this rapid healing ever kicked in.

  With my luck, it never would.
  “I always have fun.” Sebastian winked at Jessica. “She just wants to walk around and be one with nature. You’ll take a few breaks, eat some homemade granola and then head back.”

  Jessica nudged Sebastian. “Thanks, Seb.”

  He picked up his slice of meat-lovers. “I’d go if I could, but uncle Sean invited me on this investigation. I really don’t want to miss it.”

  She twirled her long, chestnut ponytail around her fingers. “No worries. You can come next time.”

  “Of course.”

  I bit back a grin. When were these two going to get together? Maybe I could convince Jessica to try talking to him again.

  “Okay,” I said. Crap. Was I really going to do this? “I’ll go.”

  Jessica squealed. “You won’t regret it.”

  We both might end up with some regrets. “Just come prepared with a stocked first aid kit.”

  She saluted me. “Will do.”

  “Oh, before I forget, I was able to track down the current owners of the Meriden Mansion.” Sebastian grabbed the bulbous glass container on the table and sprinkled more parmesan cheese on his pizza.

  “And?” Would I have another chance to annoy my Nephilim shadow?

  Sebastian grinned. “They agreed as long as I sign some paperwork on vandalism and that sort of thing.”

  A familiar warm tingle seared down my back just as the door to Jimmie’s Diner & Pizzeria opened. Jayson and Kale walked in. My heart fluttered as those hazel eyes locked with mine.

  I averted my gaze to the table and tried to choke back the waves of heat flooding my body. Fracken A. What was wrong with me? How could one look from him make me shiver? He was across the room for crap sakes. I could only imagine the kind of sensations he could evoke right now if he touched me.

  After Jayson walked me home and bandaged me up yesterday, he stalked across the street to take care of the totem with Hannah. My stomach soured at the thought of them doing some mysterious ritual together.

  That wasn’t the only thing that had my insides queasy though. Images of Jayson effortlessly snapping that guy’s wrist kept speeding through my mind. He’d claimed it was an accident, but a growing pit in my gut told me differently.

  I ran my thumb over the bandage on my palm. Jayson felt the dweller hurt me. He meant to injure Morten. He would have done worse if Hannah and I hadn’t been there. Something dark had swirled within my soul mate’s eyes. A wild, uncontrollable fury roared beneath his surface.

  Kale grabbed a chrome and candy-apple-red chair and sat at the end of our booth. “Hey, guys. How’s it going?”

  Sebastian slid his tray of pizza over. “Get one if you’d like.”

  Kale leaned forward, licking his lips. “Don’t mind if I do.”

  “How’d you do on Mr. Rudy’s quiz, Kale?” Jessica swirled the ice in her soda with the straw.

  “Horrible,” he said through a mouth full of meat-lovers pizza. “I was supposed to study with Em last night, but…” He let the sentence trail off. Their kind of studying didn’t involve mathematical equations.

  A giggle slipped out of Jessica, a blush dusting her cheeks. “I don’t think you guys should even attempt to study together.”

  I nudged Kale’s knee with my foot and jerked my chin toward Jayson who leaned against the counter up front. “What’s he doing?”

  Kale shrugged. “Go ask him.”

  Guys. They could be so helpful.

  After a waiter handed Jayson a plate, he headed this way. The overhead lights glinted on strands of dirty blond hair framing his bronzed face.

  Effing fudgesicles. Why did he have to look so yummy all the time? It was impossible not to think of kissing that gorgeous mouth.

  He slid into the booth, his body brushing mine, and set the plate in front of me. A fresh piece of molten chocolate lava cake glistened.

  My mouth watered. “What’s this for?”

  “Just eat it, Angel Eyes,” he whispered. “I know you’re craving it.”

  I unsuccessfully bit back a grin. “I’m always craving sugar.” And something else.

  He began sliding the plate away.

  “Not so fast, caveman.” I dragged it back. “I want it.”

  A smirk played on his very soft, kissable lips. “That’s what I thought.”

  I grabbed my fork and dug in, savoring the rich flavor. Jayson’s stare were heavy on me. I pointed to the cake. “You want a bite?”

  “Sure.” He leaned forward, waiting.

  I scooped up a piece, bringing it to his mouth. For a split second, I considered cramming it in his face.

  His eyes narrowed. “You’re thinking of smearing that on my face, aren’t you?”

  I shrugged. “It would be funny.”

  Jayson quickly took the bite off my fork before I had a chance to mar his perfection.

  Damn it. He used his Nephilim speed. He was lucky Jess and Seb were busy talking to Kale about the cafeteria’s lack of healthy options.

  Jayson scooted closer, his lips skimming my ear. “If you had smashed that in my face, I would have kindly asked you to clean it off.” His tongue flicked out, licking my ear.

  Sweet Nephilim. My skin broke out in a fever. Memories of what occurred in my room not too long ago invaded my thoughts. He’d licked chocolate frosting right off me.

  I wouldn’t mind licking Jayson clean.

  His rough chuckle vibrated against my neck. “You’re thinking about doing it again, aren’t you?” He pulled back, gold popping in his irises.

  My gaze lowered to his chest. “Yep.” Naughty images of us swirled through my mind. It was such a filthy place.

  “Later, Lena.”

  My head lifted. Sebastian and Jessica stood by the table. “What?” I squeaked, my face flaming. Shitzu. Had they heard us? From the smirk curling Kale’s lips, he certainly had.

  “We’re going.” Jessica grabbed her bag. “Kale said he’d give you a ride home.”

  “Okay.” I pulled at the collar of my shirt. Did someone turn up the thermostat? “I’ll see you guys tomorrow.”

  Sebastian wiggled his eyebrows. “Have fun.”

  I slumped in my seat. Jayson could make the rest of the world fall away, and it would get me in trouble one day.

  Kale slipped into the red vinyl bench on the other side and continued eating the last two slices of Sebastian’s pizza. Our waiter, Kim, came by and grabbed the other empty trays and plates, stacking them in her thin arms. Her dark brown eyes lingered longingly on Jayson, but he was too busy trying to steal my cake.

  “No way, Casteel.” I jabbed my elbow into his solid ribs, biting back a wince from the sharp pain it caused. “Get your own.”

  The bell over the door jingled. Emily and Hannah waltzed in arm in arm, looking like runway models strutting across the gleaming checkered floor.

  Ugh. I suddenly lost my appetite.

  Not really.

  “Hey, babe.” Emily climbed into the booth with Kale, planting a lingering kiss on his lips.

  Hannah sat in the chair Kale had vacated, pulling it closer to our side—closer to Jayson. “Hey, J.J.,” she said in that sultry, sex kitten voice.

  I rolled my eyes and returned to my cake. Did she have to call him J.J.?

  “Hi, Hannah.” He rested his arm across the back of the booth and relaxed against me. “Did you two have fun training?”

  “Oh, yeah.” Hannah stretched like a cat, a hint of her toned stomach showing as her black shirt rode up. “We should get together soon and spar. You were always my favorite partner.”

  Now I did lose my appetite. The plate was empty anyway. I dropped my fork loudly and pushed it away.

  “Was it good?” Jayson asked, ignoring Hannah’s comment.

  “Yep.” I stared at the white tabletop. He could feel my emotions and that was embarrassing enough. I didn’t want him to see them written all over my face.

  He nudged my knee. “Better than my cookies?”

  My lips pursed, and I tapped my chin.
“I’m not sure. I’ll need to have another taste to make a decision. Will you make me some more?”

  “Depends.” Glints of vibrant topaz began to sparkle in his irises. “What are you going to give me in return?”

  “Do you guys remember that time we were thirteen and the biggest, gnarliest demon stepped out of the gate? Four horns, cloven feet, and razor claws.” Hannah flicked her lustrous scarlet locks from her face, her gaze locked on Jayson even though she was addressing everyone—everyone except me.

  A booming laugh rumbled through Kale. “You and Jayson went after it at the same time and crashed into each other.”

  A frown creased Jayson’s brow. “I would have had him too.”

  Hannah playfully punched his thick bicep. “Not even. You needed my help, and you know it.”

  Emily rolled her eyes. “You two never stop arguing over who the best fighter is. You’ve been doing it since we were seven.”

  “Obviously, it’s me.” Hannah winked at Jayson.

  The big Nephilim scoffed. “Not in this lifetime.”

  My stomach soured. They’d all grown up together. Hannah knew Jayson as well as the other Nephilim. From the looks she kept giving him, maybe better. How was I supposed to compete with that?

  “We should probably head out, J.J.” Hannah shifted, poking her head around Jayson’s shoulder so I had a clear view of the sultry smile directed at him. “It’s our turn to watch the gate.”

  He frowned. “I wasn’t aware there was a schedule.”

  Her low, smoky laugh drifted around the table. “Seth and Brenna did it last night. Emily and Kale can take tomorrow, and we can do tonight.” Her gaze landed on me, cooling a few degrees.

  Jayson sighed, his eyes meeting mine as the gold in his dimmed. “I should go.”

  I gave a noncommittal shrug. “You don’t have to be my bodyguard twenty-four seven.”

  “Let Kale take you home,” he murmured, ignoring my prickly words. “No walking.”

  Great. Now I had to sit here and endure the happiest couple in the world while my soul mate was traipsing around with the sex kitten Nephilim.

  Jayson leaned forward, his lips brushing my ear. “Be good, Angel Eyes.”